The prestigious Springer editorial will sponsor the Best Paper Awards of the MuSMe 2021!!!

The awards granted to the authors of the best papers will be classified into three categories:
- Research: The Best Research Paper Award recognizes significant achievement in Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The achievement must be an important advance upon which subsequent work has been built, or is expected to be built. It may be an invention, a development with theoretical contributions, or a software artefact.
- Application: The Best Application Paper Award recognizes a significant application of MMS. The application must be an important advance that has been applied with successful results in a practical implementation. It may be a methodology, a technique, a design solution, a research implementation with validated results, performances, and applicability that are demonstrated with real systems.
- Student: The Best Student Paper Award recognizes a significant achievement of a student-based work in MMS. The achievement must be an important result of student work upon which subsequent work has been built, or is expected to be built. It may be a result of a young author (preferably a PhD student) alone or a result of a team in which one or more young authors had an essential role. A certificate will be provided by the candidate(s) to state the student status and the relevance of the student contribution in the teamwork. A young author will be considered to be less than 35 years old.
Marco Ceccarelli - University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. (Chair)
Rogelio Hecker - Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina.
Bahram Ravani - University of California Davis, USA.
The jury is constituted by the:
- Editor of the Springer's Mechanism and Machine Science book series;
- A member of the Local Organizing Committee recipient of a previous MuSMe award;
- An invited and conference independent prestigious researcher in the field of the Multibody and Mechatronics Systems.
Best Student Paper
Student paper |
Category |
Title of the winners |
38#2020 |
Gold |
Hexapod Walking Mechanism based on the Klann Linkage for a 2DoF Amphibious Robot (also awarded with Springer Best Student Paper) |
22#2020 |
Silver |
Design of a Bionic, Shape-Memory Alloy Fish Tail |
12#2020 |
Bronze |
Synthesis of a Tip-Tilt-Piston Flexure System with Decoupled Actuators |
28#2021 |
Finalist |
A force control architecture for grasping with a robotic finger |
36#2020 |
Finalist |
Twisting controller of trajectory for a 6DOF base motion: Application to Quadrotor flight simulation training device |
Best Application Paper
Application paper |
Category |
Title of the winners |
04#2020 |
Gold |
Two DoF Robotic Platform for Balance Rehabilitation Tasks (also awarded with Springer Best Paper) |
21#2021 |
Silver |
Modelling of a hydrodynamically actuated manipulator based on strip theory |
30#2020 |
Bronze |
Design of Handling and Extension Tool for Inspection and Maintenance of CAREM Steam Generators |
Best Research Paper
Research paper |
Category |
Title of the winners |
32#2020 |
Gold |
Mobility Analysis and Self-alignment of a Novel Asymmetric 3T Parallel Manipulator |
23#2020 |
Silver |
Study of a Class of Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators |
20#2020 |
Bronze |
Type Synthesis of Gripper Mechanisms Using Baranov Chains and Davies' Method |
21#2020 |
Finalist |
Tree organization method for structuring cluster space-based rover formations with applications to multi-object transportation |
16#2020 |
Finalist |
A Method for Generating Gripper Mechanisms Using Baranov Chains |
International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science

TC for Multibody Dynamics & TC for Robotics and Mechatronics
Federación Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica

Technical Commission for Robotics and Mechanisms
National Scientific and Technical Research Council - Argentina

Argentine Association of Computational Mechanics

UTN: Mechanical Applications and Mechatronics R&D+i Program

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